Friday, December 12, 2014

I'm Twenty Eight

Hi, I'm Britt and I am twenty eight.  I am twenty eight and I work in retail.  I have worked the spectrum.  I have worked in food service washing dishes, I have worked at pet stores feeding and caring for animals, I have worked at a coffee shop slinging drinks, I have worked in candle shops selling high priced luxury items.

I have been the bottom of the barrel and I've been the first officer.  I've been shit on from both sides and I've also had the time of my life.

Retail is an amazing and terrible place to work, and this will simply be a diary, a diary of my time in retail.  The highest highs and the lowest lows, I've experienced a lot in the time I've worked in retail.  But to know where I'm going, first we must explore where I came from.  My humble beginnings at my first retail job all the way to where I am now.

Where to start?  How about we travel backwards half my life ago, all the way to when I was fourteen with my first job dealing with the general public.  The first gift shop I worked in.

The Oopstore...

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